How we put your case in good hands.

A tumor disease can throw life out of balance. The best possible treatment or desired second opinion for you is therefore our top priority. We thoroughly discuss your case or second opinion and then give you a well-founded therapy recommendation in the form of a tumor board report.
In these discussions, we rely on state-of-the-art treatment methods, including FUDR therapy or the organ-preserving approach to rectal cancer.
Do you then have specific questions on the second opinion you have received or would you like us to treat you? Our individual network partners are available for you at all times.
How case registration with the GITZ tumor board works:
Step 1Contacting us
As a patient, you directly contact the GITZ or you are referred to us by your doctor.
Step 2Submitting your documents
All relevant documents are submitted. Either you or your doctor may do this. The most important information for a well-founded treatment recommendation are the diagnosis, the course of the disease and therapy and a short summary of the patient’s medical history. If available, please be sure to send us a histology report as well as current image documents such as CT, PET-CT, MRI and sonography to download or scan.
Step 3Review of your documents
The documents are checked for completeness. We will let you know within one working day if your case can be discussed by the tumor board on the next Tuesday.
Step 4Invoicing via the health insurance company
For Swiss patients, we bill directly via the health insurance company. If you do not reside in Switzerland, you will receive an online payment request for CHF 1200 by email. As soon as we receive your payment, you will receive a confirmation and your case will be discussed. You will also receive a receipt for your advance payment and most international health insurance companies will reimburse the costs.
Step 5Preparing your dossier
A doctor at the GITZ carefully prepares your case so that it can be presented at the tumor board.
Step 6Case review and preparation of report
Your case is discussed by the independent tumor board. On the following day, you will receive a report written with a summary and treatment recommendation. If you have any questions, you will be referred to the doctor responsible for the case.