Our network provides advice, information and support.

Prof. Dr. Jan Schmidt, Specialist in visceral surgery

Dr. med. Daniel Helbling, Facharzt für medizinische Onkologie

Dr. med. Cristina Picardi, Fachärztin für Radio-Onkologie

Dr. med Nicolas Clément, Facharzt für Viszeralchirurgie

Prof. Dr. Franc Hetzer, Facharzt für Viszeralchirurgie

Prof. Dr. Marc Schiesser, Facharzt für Viszeralchirurgie

Dr. med. Sören Volker Siegmund, Facharzt für Gastroenterologie

The Gastrointestinal Tumor Network Zurich (GITZ) has a global network of experts. The core team is based in the Zurich region. In complex cases, the core network also consults international experts from various specialist areas. This ensures that the latest developments and enriching external perspectives are also taken into consideration. This way, you benefit from the proven expertise and many years of experience of this network of doctors.

Certified by the Swiss Cancer Network

The Swiss Society of Medical Oncology (SSMO) developed the Swiss Cancer Network certificate to promote the quality of treatment and care for tumor patients. The GITZ is proud to be certified by the SSMO.

The direct path to a valuable second opinion

The global network of the GITZ enables you to receive the most suitable treatment recommendations – without having to seek a third or fourth opinion. This is offered at a flat rate, regardless whether an international panel of experts is consulted or not.

Our qualified doctors.
