Was unsere Experten publizieren

Dr. med. Daniel Helbling
Prof. Dr. med. Jan Schmidt

Treatment-related Death in Cancer Patients Treated with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Systematic review of haemorrhage and rupture of hepatocellular adenomas

Prognostic value of site-specific extra-hepatic disease in hepatocellular carcinoma

Influence of interferon-alpha combined with chemo (radio) therapy on immunological parameters in pancreatic adenocarcinoma

Impact liver transplantation on risk of second malignant tumors among hepatocellular carcinoma patients

Immune-related ocular toxicities in solid tumor patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

Immune-related neurological toxicities among solid tumor patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

Early stage hepatocellular carcinoma in the elderly

Early postoperative acute phase response in patients with early graft dysfunction of 6 month and 12 month mortality in liver transplant recipients

Cigarette Smoking as a risk factor for development and mortality from hepatocellular carcinomatreatment-associated-fatigue-in-cancer-patients-treated-with-immune-checkpoint-inhibitors-pdf







Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Curschmann

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Dr. med. Marco Bernardi

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Prof. Dr. med. Hasan Kulaksiz



Prof. Dr. med. Othmar Schöb
PD Dr. med. Ulf Petrausch
Dr. med. Meinrad Mannhart